Director's Message

Education comes from all around, and it’s integral. The principles are well twinned along with the academics to prepare the kids for the future. To me the very purpose of quality education is character building. Children are malleable, who can be shaped into persons of excellence by their teachers. I feel it is important for every child to enjoy a sense of achievement. Every child should be encouraged to perform to the fullest ability and due importance should be given to learning in areas beyond academics. An institution should be a living place that shapes children’s lives and builds their character. Therefore to assess the school’s performance only by its high academic scores is not sufficient, it is equally important for a school to be a place for happy children with a love for learning and sound value system. To achieve these objectives we need to work jointly with the parents of our pupils to create a climate for open exchange of views and experiences, supporting each other’s quest for quality on all fronts.

We want to mould a generation who can serve and succeed not only in their respective careers but also in serving humanity and develop empathy and sensitivity towards the world at large. For inculcating the true spirit of humaneness, I wish to create an atmosphere where the students may grow with a true spirit of tolerance and respect for all religions, reverence for elders, sensibility to their cultural heritage and courage to face the challenges of life.

GDGPS, Gwalior extends a warm welcome and wish to all those who aspire and wish to have a better place for education and thereby creating young minds to flourish and prosper. Lead us to lead “your best Part of Your Treasure” to be the visionaries, who would bring about changes in the future.

With best complements
Manoj Jain